Two piece prom dresses

Two piece prom dresses
Two piece prom dresses


Wear the most beautiful wedding dress in Hawaii

    Although Hong Kong from my wedding has passed more than one week, but into another stage of life brought joy seems to still not dispersed. Today, I want to share with you some of the ball gown wedding dresses before the shooting in Hawaii, to travel and shoot one, for some couples, it is a good choice Oh ~ ~ Because I'm a lazy haha, plus foreign photographers also more respect for the natural effect, so I was sent all their makeup done, oh, how, money and effort it ~ ~ ~ That day we rented a car driving down the street, wandering around, saw good to get off immediately Kacha few VIEW, freedom, casual, very comfortable it ~   Shooting foreigners can feel that way forever innate passion, even driving through the street people will head out, very excited at us shouting "congratulations"! ball gown wedding dresses
       Throughout the filming process lasted more than four hours, enjoying the scenery, close to nature, while also completed filming the wedding dress really is a pleasant and memorable journey Oh ~ ~   Before always wanted to make their wedding as the simplicity of, especially to do in Hong Kong and Shanghai, two, busy with a lot of things to be repeated on both sides, from the initial shoot the wedding dress to buy a wedding dress and shoes, from the set restaurant, check out the location to from looking for wedding companies to discuss many details of the wedding designer talk about the contract with the hotel's sales from buying bridesmaid dress, buy invitations, send invitations to friends to scheduled flights hotels in Hong Kong, and so on and so on ......

I found, the original would simply not so easy, I realize I still do not want to be too rude hearts to others. But compared to those who are well-prepared daily with a perfect wedding brides, their wedding is really pretty it is relatively simple. Because I always believed that a grand perfect wedding ceremony only field OK, but definitely not a necessity!   Two people really love each other is not going to rely only on this a magnificent feast to prove their love, a magnificent display of the wedding can not guarantee the future happiness.    

    Of course, each of the girls are looking forward to their big day, I hope everything is most happy. Just for me, or please eat a meal like         The future is a long way to get along, two people should try to make its own contribution in this small family. Mutual respect, mutual trust, in my opinion, these are the perfect marriage makes some key!

